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Mohan Babu Honored With Bezawada Gopal Reddy Award

As we have mentioned in our previous posts about Mohan Babu’s Award, he got the award of Bezawada Gopal Reddy yesterday at an event organized in Nellore.
Nataprapoorna Mohan Babu was so humble while receiving the award from Tamil Nadu Governor Konijeti Roshaiah, and said “Some people refer me as a successful film personality, but I know how many difficulties I have faced in this line. Some said I can’t survive in film Industry, but proved them wrong”.
With the chief guest Konijeti Roshaiah, Rajya Sabha member T. Subbarami Reddy, industrialist K.I. Varaprasada Reddy, former MP Magunta Parvathamma, Nellore Rural MLA Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy were also attended the event.
While speaking, Mr. Rosaiah has reminded the services of Late Dr. Gopal Reddy, on whom this award is being presented
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