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Actress arrested for Blackmailing

Nayana-KrishnaKannada actress Nayana Krishna invited trouble by blackmailing Bangalore-based 68-year-old doctor for some quick bucks.
On the other day, Nayana Krishna lured the Bangalore doctor with the help of other small time actress and filmed a video showing both of them in a compromising position. With the video, she blackmailed and tried to extort money from the doctor. Even though, the actress demanded Rs 1 crore initially, he deal was settled for Rs 25 lakhs. But the doctor approached Police fearing that the actress might extort more money and blackmail in future. As she continued to skip the investigation, at last Police have taken her into custody.
As per the case filed, Actress Nayana Krishna, TV actress Rihana, TV actor Sonu, video editor, transport coordinator along with 2 media persons and even 2 constables were involved in the scandal.
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