New Delhi: Delhi High Court on Friday directed Indian National Lok Dal chief Om Prakash Chautala to surrender before jail authorities on Sunday. Chautala, convicted and serving a 10-year jail term in connection with a teachers recruitment scam, appeared before the Delhi High Court on Friday after the CBI filed a petition to cancel his bail for breaking the conditions.
Chautala might be taken to AIIMS if jail/medical superintendent considered it necessary, said High Court.
The 79-year-old Indian National Lok Dal chief was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in jail in a teachers' recruitment scam case in 2013. A special CBI court on January 22, 2013, had convicted and sentenced Chautala, his son Ajay and eight others to 10 years in jail for their role in the illegal recruitment of 3,206 junior teachers in the year 2000.
Chautala might be taken to AIIMS if jail/medical superintendent considered it necessary, said High Court.
Chautala, who was granted bail to undergo medical treatment, had allegedly violated its terms by participating in election rallies. Sources in the CBI said that they had approached the High Court as Chautala had violated the terms and conditions.
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